My apologies for posting a tad late today. I've had a lot on my mind and let time pass me by.If you're a writer I'm sure you heard that you should never open a scene with weather. It's a rule I've been told over and over, especially with this particular scene from my Scottish historical. However, I believe this is one rule that can either be broken or adapted. Why? Because weather can serve to set the mood of the scene. It can be a foretelling of what is to come. On the other hand, it can be predictable.
Think about Little Red Riding Hood. You all know what happens, but let's say you didn't. Let's say Little Red's skipping along with basket in hand. Instead of a dark forest we have open skies. Are they blue with wispy clouds or dark and foreboding? If the clouds are light and fluffy you'd expect something good to happen, not a big bad wolf at the end of the trail. If they are dark and monstrous you wouldn't be surprised at the snarling wolf. However, because we all know the story, we pretty much know what to expect no matter what the clouds might look like.
I've often heard that cirrus clouds, also known as mare's tails, are a sign of a change in weather. Most likely it's a sign of rain to come. But you could use these wispy high altitude clouds as a change to come in your character's life.
Today's writing prompt:
If the mare's tails dancing across the blue sky were any indication . . .
I agree. Think how many great stories have a big storm in them somewhere...